The images embroidered on the Torah ark’s pair of interior doors are based on a verse from Song of Songs Rabbah: "All that which I created, I created in pairs: Heaven and Earth a pair, the sun and moon a pair, Adam and Eve a pair." Depicted are the sun and moon, a pair of rimmonim, a pair of tefillin, a pair of hands configuring the priestly blessing, a pair of challot, and the two tablets of the Ten Commandments flanked by a pair of lions. The parochet, the curtain for theTorah ark, is adorned with a painting of a Tree of Life with a Torah scroll as the trunk. The Kabbalistic tree diagram portraying the ten sefirot, or attributes of God, appears among the leaves. The images on the seven Torah mantles each represent a Jewish festival or Day of Remembrance. The design for a Torah saved from the Holocaust is an inverted menorah formed from railroad tracks alongside a yellow Star of David, which Jews throughout Nazi-occupied Europe were forced to wear as a means of identification.